The Iowa-Missouri Conference welcomed two new pastoral families to our conference this past summer.

Robbie and Ester Lacelle and family
Robbie and Ester Lacelle came from Williamsburg, Kentucky, where they were very active in their local church, with Robbie serving as a long-time elder and head elder. They will start their ministry with the Ava, Branson East and Kimberling City churches.
Darrell and Erika Matlock call Arkansas their home. Darrell accepted God’s leading to ministry and enrolled at Andrews Theological Seminary, graduating in December of 2022. Darrell enters ministry, having served as an elder before heading to seminary. They will start their ministry in the Ottumwa, Albia and Centerville churches.
With these new pastors, the conference is very excited to see how the Lord will bless members through their ministry in their new communities.
Lee Rochholz is ministerial director for the Iowa-Missouri Conference.