Pastor Mike Fenton (right) baptizes Herbert Scaife following a recent worship service at the Chapel Oaks Church in Shawnee, Kansas. Photo by Claudia Kaiser.
Nearly 400 people are baptized in our conference each year, causing all heaven to rejoice. Yet because of space limitations, we can feature only the most exceptional stories.
Inez Scaife has been a faithful member of the Chapel Oaks Church in Shawnee, Kansas for years. Her husband, Herbert, while supportive of the church’s beliefs, never made a decision to join.
That has changed, thanks to personal visits from John and Lisa Hammes, church elder and deaconess. Through the years, the Hammeses enjoyed visiting in the Scaife home where John would often find Herbert trimming tree limbs or working in his garden. Not bad for a man in his 90s.
“We have had many good spiritual conversations and Bible studies,” John said. “Herbert always communicated his love for Jesus but never felt he was worthy of forgiveness.”
Recently, Herbert was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Chapel Oaks lead pastor Mike Fenton also visited and assured Herbert that the timing for his baptism couldn’t be better.
In his weakened condition, Herbert cannot sit through church services, so his baptism was held immediately following the service. Members of the Chapel Oaks Church praised God and welcomed Herbert into the fellowship of believers.
“It is a privilege to have members who take visitation seriously,” Pastor Fenton said. “Because John had done such a fine job sharing Christ with Herbert it was easy for me to speak with him about the possibility of baptism.”
Editor’s note: Herbert Scaife was baptized on Aug. 30, 2014. Three weeks later he went to sleep knowing Jesus, where he awaits the Lord’s return.
This article was written by John Treolo, communication director for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference. It was also published in the November 2014 print edition of OUTLOOK.