Adventist Historical Footprints

About the Author Adventist Historical Footprints

Sabrina Riley is an independent researcher and consultant in Northern Virginia. Her current research interests include the Seventh-day Adventist military experience and her family’s genealogy. She may be reached at The Family Archivist.

Arthur Snook and Orril Sawyer marriage license
Feature Stories

The Holes in Our Stories—Part 1 Frequently, the people around us show us only what they want us to see. The idealistic family photos on social media, the bright smiling faces on Sabbath morning, and the standard “I’m fine” reply to the polite, if superficial, inquiry as to how one is doing. All too often there is no indication of the trauma, depression, abuse, addiction, or mental illness people suffer or perpetrate behind closed doors. These are the holes in their stories.

I have never before felt the need to start a story with a disclaimer. However, the story that follows is disturbing. I have chosen to …

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Feature Stories

The Hidden History of Seventh-day Adventists in the Civilian Public Service Hundreds of young Adventist men served honorably in the United States military as noncombatants during World War II. Just a handful chose an alternate option and served their country in the Civilian Public Service.

Hidden in the archives of the Mennonite Central Committee is an obscure record of twenty-one young Seventh-day Adventist conscientious objectors who worked in Civilian Public …

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